Here’s a shot from the Gettysburg history tour several summit participants participated in this past October.
Here’s a letter Tom Jolin, of Board Member and Inner Loop Coordinator for Healthy Adams Bicycle/Pedestrian Inc. and Dennis Hickethier, President of Healthy Adams recently sent to stakeholders in the Grand History Trail that offers a great overview of plans and projections for the project so far:
“Dear Friends,
Thank you for your interest in the Grand History Trail (GHT) events that were held this past fall. Please accept the attached documents regarding some of the Adams County events:
- Grand History Trail Economic Impact Fact Sheet handout
- Grand History Trail Map
- Grand History Trail Economic Summit Final Report
The general consensus is that a GHT trail through Adams County is definitely a good thing for us. It advances our respect for history, financial growth, personal health and just overall quality of life. So, it is something we should work on, but just how to find time/money is of course, the problem. A greater problem would be to take no action, at all. Since, several individuals have volunteered to work on the effort, please stay tuned for future activities.
Everyone getting this email is excessively busy, so we want you to know how grateful we are that you found time for the GHT briefings. The events planning committee included: Destination Gettysburg, Main Street Gettysburg, Gettysburg Borough, Gettysburg National Military Park, Adams County Office of Planning and Development and HABPI. On behalf of the planning committee, we thank you.
Sincerely, Tom Jolin and Dennis Hickethier”