Author: Don Gogniat

Don Gogniat worked as an administrator for Penn State University and Chancellor for Penn State York before retirement. He served in the Peace Corps and worked as regional planner for the Costa Rican National Planning Office. Gogniat also sailed multiple times on Semester at Sea where he taught geography, global studies, and served as Executive Dean. His hobbies include travel, billiards, hiking, biking, and photography. His photographic work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and juried exhibits. He plays a fair game of “nine ball.”

Rusk is Right

A friend of mine sent me this email.  David Rusk is a world class regional planner and has done much work about making cities work.  Here is what he has to say about Tom Wolf. Dear Mr. Gogniat Over the past two decades I have spoken and presented workshops to thousands of Pennsylvanians in communities covering 80% of Pennsylvania’s population,…

Kev Hawn is the Man!!!!

Kev Hawn has just completed a three day run of the entire Grand History Trail ( the portions currently completed).  This is a total of 140 miles – in three days.  An ultra marathoner, this is the longest run he has ever attempted.  His goal was to be the first to run the loop, and to bring some publicity to…

Bike Maryland sees the Grand History Trail as a great benefit for residents of the Mid-Altantic area.

In a conversation with Nate Evans, Executive Director of Bike Maryland, he has agreed that the Grand History Trail would be a great regional attraction for the Mid-Atlantic area. He commented that his organization is working to fill in some of the small gaps that exist between the existing trails near D.C., Annapolis, and Baltimore. His leadership is appreciated and…

Gettysburg engaging: Summit about the Grand History Trail

I’m excited to announce that a Grand History Trail Economic Summit will will held at 3 p.m. Oct. 30 in the Boeing Room at the Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center. During the 50-minute session, Economic Impact Specialist Carl Knoch and I will review the vision behind the project, which we believe has the potential to make a significant economic impact on the counties…